Content Creation

In most of my work experience, I have put an emphasis on content creation. Whether designing or writing content, one of my greatest assets is creating and maintaining a brand for an organization. I love learning about a brand for an organization and curating content whether internally or externally.

Below, you will find some of my proudest work as well as some of my distinctions.



Internal Communications Intern


From May 2022 to May 2023, I worked for the internal communications department at Amtrak as an internal communications intern for 15-40 hours a week. My focus was in the human resources department, which included the overall communication efforts of diversity and inclusion, benefits, talent acquisition, compensation, learning and development, wellness and more. This included copywriting, design expertise and collaboration within the departments.

Internal Communications

Initially, one of my main priorities at Amtrak was to audit the internal human resources Salesforce website, which meant combing through 400+ pages of content and deciding what was necessary for internal audiences. I utilized Microsoft Excel to organize the audit and keep track of content owners through the Salesforce site.

Another of my main tasks at Amtrak was to design bi-monthly internal presentations, which over 350 human resources team members attended. This included the members of the executive leadership team to members of the compensation and recruitment. I designed using Microsoft PowerPoint and Word to create the schedule of each meeting. Because Amtrak’s employees are located across the country, I ran this meeting via Zoom. I also created show flows for each of these meetings along with the Powerpoint decks. Along with this, I worked with the presenters to ensure that they communicated the information most effectively. Below, you can view an example show flow with all internal content taken out.

External Communications

Throughout my time at Amtrak, I wrote several external LinkedIn posts for Amtrak’s executive vice president, chief human resources officer. Below are some examples of LinkedIn copy that I wrote.

Employee Engagement

While interning for Amtrak, I focused closely on employee engagement and hoped to make all Amtrak employees feel a better sense of belonging to the company through communications efforts. One of my innovative ideas and projects was creating a bi-weekly quiz on new Amtrak internal and external information that was released in the weekly all-company email. I worked with the corporate communications department and within the internal team to ensure that all information was well communicated. Below you can find some examples.

Communications Intern

LSU Manship School of Mass Communication

In January 2020, I worked for my senior college, the Manship School of Mass Communication, as a communications intern. From Spring 2020 until my graduation in May 2021, I created social media copy, sent newsletters, and wrote blogs for the Manship School site. At the Manship School, I focused on growing the following of our Instagram. During the time I worked for the Manship School, the account gained over 1,200 followers on Instagram. During this time, I wrote copy, designed graphics, and promoted blog posts on Twitter and Facebook as well.

The Manship School Blog

I loved writing several blogs for the Manship School. In this process, I interviewed members of the Manship School and wrote about them and their experiences. These blogs were published on all Manship social media accounts,

The LSU Manship School Newsletter

As a communications intern, one of my main duties was designing and sending out a bi-monthly email to over 12,000 alumni and students. Here are two of the newsletters I led.

Social Media

Examples of Social Media Copy and Edits

Video for Spring 2020 Graduates

After COVID-19, LSU graduation moved virtually for spring graduates. To help celebrate them safely, I created and edited this video with photos interluding to honor them.

Manship School Dean Martin Johnson shares his tribute to the Manship School #Classof2020. We are proud to recognize the outstanding Class of 2020 Manship Sch...

Screen Shot 2021-01-24 at 5.19.34 PM.png

Communications Intern

LSU Olinde Career Center

At the beginning of my sophomore year of college in Sept. 2019, I worked for the LSU Olinde Career Center as a communications intern. I worked for a year and a half at the OCC, and I learned many skills that would propel me into the rest of my college career. As a communications intern, one of my main duties was designing social media event graphics and assisting with all of the social media for the OCC.

Writing and Print Samples

With the OCC, I designed and wrote copy for several brochures and flyers.

Social Media Graphics

One of my main roles at the OCC was creating content for the social media pages, primarily Instagram. I used Adobe products such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator and followed the LSU Brand Guidelines.

Communication Across the Curriculum


The LSU Distinguished Communicator program is for self-motivated LSU undergraduates who want to refine their communication skills and excel in their chosen professions. Students who successfully achieve this unique distinction are recognized with a medal at graduation. LSU is one of the only universities in the country recognizing students who excel in communicating within their discipline. Through this program, I took several communication-intensive courses in the written, spoken and visual mode of communication. I also created a public portfolio to showcase my work as my final project.

In April 2021, I received a medal of distinction as a distinguished communicator.